Swift Apprentice Book vs Videos series

Hi RW’s,

Apologies if I have missed a previous topic. I was wondering is the video tutorial series for Swift as detailed as the Swift Apprentice book?


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They are both highly detailed and cover a lot of material so I recommend them both and strongly encourage you to use them after all for sure and for good indeed. I guess it all goes and boils down to your learning style since it’s a question and matter of taste over here: do you prefer learning and understand better by reading over and over again the same thing until it makes sense or watching and pausing when it’s not clear while following along in a playground instead. Both approaches have their pros and cons, so choose and pick wisely what makes sense and helps you the most in this case.

Thank you for your opinions I appreciate your comments. I am currently going through iOS apprentice, however I will still pick up a copy of Swift apprentice for cross referencing. I like to learn from both video and written text.

Definitely sounds like a solid plan after all for sure and for good indeed. Please let me know if you have any other and more questions or issues regarding the whole thing.