Kodeco Forums

Swift Algorithm Club: June Digest 2017

The Swift Algorithm Club is happy to introduce three new algorithms this month: Minimum Coin Change, Minimum Spanning Tree, and Dijkstra's Algorithm!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/554-swift-algorithm-club-june-digest-2017

Hi, I am looking at the dynamic programming algorithm for the minimum coin problem which I feel can be improved.

First you don’t have to do recursion to do dynamic programming.

Second you can treat this particular case as a shortest path and as a data structure store as an array of what was the last coin used to reach that value.

public func noRecursion(_ value: Int) throws -> [Int] {
    guard value > 0 else { return [] }
    var foundMoneyValues  = Array(repeating: 0, count: value+1)
    var currentSet:[Int] = []
    for coin in sortedCoinSet {
        if coin < value {
            foundMoneyValues[coin] = coin
        } else if coin == value {
            return [coin]
    while !(currentSet.isEmpty) {
        var nextSet:[Int] = []
        for reachedAmount in currentSet {
            for coin in sortedCoinSet {
                let nextAmount = reachedAmount + coin
                if nextAmount < value {
                    if foundMoneyValues[nextAmount] < 1 {
                        foundMoneyValues[nextAmount] = coin
                } else if nextAmount == value {
                    var listOfCoinsToReturn = [coin]
                    var remaingValue = reachedAmount
                    while remaingValue > 0 {
                        let coinUsed = foundMoneyValues[remaingValue]
                        remaingValue -= coinUsed
                    return listOfCoinsToReturn
        currentSet = nextSet
    throw MinimumCoinChangeError.noRestPossibleForTheGivenValue
