StoreSearch "Paging" Issue

I just finished adding Paging to the StoreSearch app on page 196 (PDF). After testing it in the simulator, I noticed that the Page Control stays on the first page and is not visible on the other pages. I double checked to make sure that everything is connected in Storyboards and I double checked the code. Any suggestions?

Hi @salanthonyc :wave:

This sounds like you might have added the Page Control as a subview of the scroll view by mistake? Could you check to ensure that it’s actually added as a subview of the view controllers root view allongside the scroll view itself and not inside it?

Let me know how you get on! Thanks :+1:

Thanks. That was the issue. It’s strange how it became a subview, though. I had it set as a sibling of scroll view rather than it’s child, but for some reason when I moved it to the bottom of the screen in storyboards, xcode changed it to a subview.

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Yeah Interface Builder does like moving views to places that you don’t want them sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:. Glad I could help though! :slightly_smiling_face: