The StoreSearch “Finished App” that comes with the Source Code does not work properly if you run the simulator with the iPhone 7 Plus. If initially in portrait, it will show a blank table. However, it does work properly if in landscape. If you do a search while in landscape and then flip to portrait, then the blank table will fill with the search results, but there is no search bar at the top. Is there a way to fix this?
Thank you for the heads up - much appreciated. We are currently in the process of updating the whole book for Swift 4, iOS 11 and Xcode 9 and will definitely fix the whole thing in the book’s updated version after all for sure and for good indeed.
@fahim Could you please have a look and check this one out when you actually get a chance after all? Thank you - much appreciated! :]
I figured it out. There is NO ERROR in the book. For some reason the simulator for the iPhone 7 Plus was automatically scrolled to the bottom. That is why it just showed a blank table. Before, I was trying to scroll up by clicking. I simply needed to scroll up without clicking. After I scrolled up without clicking, the search bar is there.
Thank you for the heads up - much appreciated - really glad you actually figured it out after all.