Still safe to continue to use SwiftyJSON

I am starting a new project and all my previous projects were done with SwiftyJSON. I noticed that it is rare that we hear about SwiftyJSON and the new methods now are Decodable. Should I switch or is it safe to continue to use SwiftyJSON???

Hi @hcri1950, I would say it’s still safe to se SwiftyJSON because it appears that it is still being maintained and kept up to date. It also depends on preference as to how to approach JSON. If you have yet to try out Codable/Decodable I’d say give it a shot and see how you like it!


Thank you, I have been playing around with it, and I do see much promise. Thank you

For a new project, I would definitely use Codable - one less external dependency, one less thing that can go wrong.
For your old projects, it depends on how much time you have to refactor, but as a general rule, I’ve always been happier adopting technologies Apple encourages than holding onto technologies you’re comfortable with.

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