Where can I find the source code for the ePub iOS apprentice? I have v8.3.0. Thanks.
@geezer You can download the source code for the book over here:
I hope it helps!
Thanks for getting back to me. The source code is different from what I am reading as it is all in SwiftUI and I am looking for the Swift code.
Hi @geezer, I would recommend sending an email over to support@razeware.com.
@geezer The book teaches you how to build apps both in UIKit and SwiftUI. Please let me know if you have any other questions or issues about the whole thing when you get a chance. Thank you!
I finally figured it out. The swift material is in the uikit folders, which is fine but not obvious to the user. I am just starting out and was on chapter 7, however the source code for this is like in folder 26. The naming convention was just not clear to me.
Glad you were able to get ahold of the materials @geezer. Let us know if you have anymore questions.
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