I read your tutorial and wrote my own siri intent enabled app. Everthing works fine so far. There is only one problem. I always get back a generic answer, if siri runs my intent. I have created an intent and set a custom failure and success text. But Siri never says the text. I only get âOK. Postedâ as response. I have the same problem with you final sample?
Do you have any idea what`s wrong? I use iOS 12.1.1.
Great tutorial. It is missing one important part though. It doesnât cover the Add to Siri button functionality that was demoed at the WWDC2018. I have been playing with that option but there are some issues with it.
Going over the Soup Chef app from Apple, it works for them well, show the Added to Siri tick when the shortcut is already setup. But I canât seem to get the same functionality going. Stackoverflow also seems to be very confused about the situation.
I was trying to follow this tutorial in my own project, which has a few Cocoapods and a Swift bridging header. Upon creating the Intents Extensions target, the bridging header will no longer compile because it fails to find any of the files Iâm importing. Any suggestions on what could cause that or how to fix it?
Yes, I am still having issues with this. I couldnât find anyone having a similar problem online, at least not where the problem is triggered by an Intents Extension or adding a target, as opposed to badly configured Cocoapods.
This is a great tutorial and very useful
But I think I did something wrong⊠You said " Xcode generated it (the PostArticleIntent class) for you when you created the ArticleIntents.intentdefinition file", but it doesnât⊠Xcode say âUse of unresolved identifier âPostArticleIntentâââŠ
When I run TheBurgeoningWriter-Completed the same issue happens
Do you know whatâs going wrong ? Thanks in advance
I juste find what was wrong, actually Xcode created a class named IntentIntent, donât know why but I could change that in the Identity inspector, youâll see Custom class with a text field named Class Name
After adding the WritingIntents extension, the article suggests trying to build and run, but, when I did, I received this error: âThis app or an app that it contains has a Siri Intents app extension that is missing the IntentsSupported array in the NSExtensionAttributes dictionary in the NSExtension dictionary in its Info.plist.â
The solution was just a couple lines below: âmake sure ArticleIntents.intentdefinition is visible to the extension.â
May I kindly suggest moving this line above the instruction to build and run? Many thanks!
Iâm getting this error after i create PostArticleIntentHandler
Class PostArticleIntentResponse is implemented in both /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/3D30EB5D-1033-47BF-A2D7-C7E9EF6B34B7/TheBurgeoningWriter.app/Frameworks/ArticleKit.framework/ArticleKit (0x1031e1070) and /var/containers/Bundle/Application/3D30EB5D-1033-47BF-A2D7-C7E9EF6B34B7/TheBurgeoningWriter.app/TheBurgeoningWriter (0x102e34e68). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.