This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Best 5 minutes spent today. I’m looking forward to Xcode 11 just based on this!
@robertomachorro Really glad you like it! Cheers! :]
I am gobsmacked at how much you fit into 5 minutes. I’ve been using Xcode for 10 years and learned new things about source control. Even better you covered all the SPM bits I’d been wondering about after watching the WWDC video. Your examples were easy to successfully perform locally. It was helpful you mentioned how to create and edit packages after you’ve added them and explained Xcode’s default dependency behavior when adding and removing SPM projects. The way you divided the Creating a Swift Package concerns into a separate and easily digestible podcast was very effective. This was way more informative than the 40 minute WWDC talk. Fantastic job, thank you!!!
Thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it and hope it provides useful!