Server Side Swift with Vapor: Beautifying Pages with | Ray Wenderlich

Learn how to use a simple CSS boilerplate library called Skeleton to beautify your Vapor web pages.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Another great tut, thanks @rwenderlich.
I hope you’re collecting up all these jokes and releasing a book! Or at least your own range of Christmas crackers with them in!

@alexhedley LOL - that would be a great present to unleash upon your worst enemy! ;]

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In the TILController on line 15, where does the variable drop come from? Is it a global variable in Vapor or is there some magic in swift i dont know yet :slight_smile:

@sadiq81 Good Q! Yes, drop is a global variable from main.swift. Which is a bad practice; looking back I should have stored the droplet as a property on TILController instead. Thx for pointing this out!

Great tut, you are awesome!