Scroll View School · Your First Scroll View |

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I think It is important to mention that we see the entire image when scrolling due to “Clip to Bounds”is off for the imageView.
Otherwise we would be able to scroll (after updating the content size that is) but the image will be clipped when we scroll outside the imageView as the imageView bounds origin does not change on scrolling (only the bounds on the scrollView)


@catie @jessycatterwaul @jcatterwaul Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hi! Thanks for your comment. I’ve made a note to be more clear about this in the next update :]

+1 on this one. I came across the same issue but sleuthed it out.

@ijames Do you still have issues with this?