Hi, I’m currently at the end of the chapter 6 of watchOS by Tutorials, where we use the scrollTo
function to make the interface scrolling to see the entire label, but I can’t make it work… It worked perfectly for the previous project, but not on this one (and the Final project for this chapter does not work neither ). Could you help me on this issue please ?
Hello @ericlm,
My apologies for the “very” late reply.
The problem is there in the final project actually, I’m trying on watchOS 5 and Xcode 10, I’m quite sure that it works normally on watchOS 4 but I don’t have older simulators installed right now.
I managed to get something to work after several trial and error:
I created a reference on the button itself (which is directly under the interface controller) and the scrolling worked but not correctly.
The best outcome I managed to do is: scroll to the button and not the label inside it and use a delay. Code looks like this:
if expanded { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) { self.scroll(to: self.moreButton, at: .top, animated: true) } }
No problem @ehabamer ! Thank you very much for the little workaround, it makes the trick ! Still a strange issue though…
Hello, I ran into the same problem and it seems that scroll
does not work when the control is within a group (other than the main interface) any news on that? Is that a watchOS 5 bug or feature?
@ehabamer Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]
Hello @letatas, I tried it again directly on a device (incase its just a simulator issue) but it is still the case.
It’s very unlikely that it is a feature :] so I can safely bet its on the bug side.
I can’t find anyone discussing this issue, or know if this has been reported before.
but scrolling to an element just under the root seems to be working fine.
If I notice any updates concerning this issue in any further updates on watchOS I’ll post it here.
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