Most excellent. Please do lots more screencasts like this.
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You’ll be happy to know we have at least twenty videos planned in this screencast All said and done, it’ll probably end up around fifty episodes. So a lot more coming down the pipe!
Finished the series, yearning for more ;). Cheers
I’m getting this error: HLS.js error: networkError - fatal: true - manifestLoadError
How do I fix it?
Please add subtitles in this course.
@bdmoakley Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]
Unfortunately, subtitles will not be added to the course. Thanks!
I am using unity 2019 alpha and every time I edit the script the check box next to it disappears, would anybody know how to fix this?
Feel free to put your code in the post, and I’ll take a look.
Thanks for getting back so fast. I was able to figure it out I had a small syntax error 'onDisable" rather than “OnDisable” … you did say capitalization was very important hahaha
Glad to hear you were able to work it out. Trust me - those errors never seem to go away. I can’t tell you how many time’s I’ve beaten my head against a monitor only to find a lower cased letter instead of an upper cased one.
lol yeah I just took a course on C++ and I learned quickly to look for these types of errors but it seems getting rid of them altogether is a rather impossible task thanks again for the advice now I don’t feel like the only one lol