Screen Savers using a mp4 and Xcode

Hello I just read your article at about Xcode for Beginners , it was very good , but i have a question if you don’t mind. I took Xcode and created a new project Screensaver then added to the bundle a short mp4 video now here is the pinch , I have spent almost every day science October until reading your article looking for an example of playing a mp4 as a screensaver and it looks like their are no examples on line , maybe i am looking in the wrong direction , if you know how to do this could you please point me in the right direction, I’m not looking for someone to send me code to do it ,i want to learn for myself , i just can’t find anything and it’s not for lack of looking. Thank you and happy holidays Russell Rhoades

Hi and welcome @whyisdaddy! Thank you for posting your question. I’m not familiar with OS X programming but maybe @robertomachorro might have an idea with playing an mp4 as a screensaver?


The great news is that there are several open source applications that do this already!

I’d suggest that rather than starting from scratch (especially if you are new to Xcode programming), start from an existing project and modify it to suit your needs.

Here is an excellent one to start with (Open Source):

For detailed instructions on how to modify it or customize it, take a look here:

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Thank you very much, i am new to Xcode but i have written 6 or 7 apps using XOJO but you can’t do screen savers with it.
Thank you again

I downloaded everything for Xcode and then the screensaver and companion app.
But after looking it over i’m not sure this will work, simply put i wish to take 1 video.mp4
and plug it into the screen saver bundle then tell Xcode to load and play that one video as a screen saver that’s all Aerial will not let me do that or show me how to do that.
Thanks anyway it was a good idea but just not my idea.

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