I am a newbie working through the first ScaryBugsMac example (Getting Started with OSX and Swift Tutorial Part 1)
At the point where I am instantiating the masterView Controller and adding a subview, I am getting an error that I cannot resolve. Some insight would be helpful.
masterViewController = MasterViewController(nibName: “MasterViewController”, bundle: nil)
masterViewController.view.frame = (window.contentView as! NSView).bounds
Produces the following error messages:
line 2: value of optional type ‘NSView?’ not unwrapped; did you mean to use ! or ‘?’?
line 3: Downcast from ‘NSView?’ to 'NSView only unwraps optionals; did you mean to use ‘!’?
Content from the tutorial is:
masterViewController = MasterViewController(nibName: “MasterViewController”, bundle: nil)
masterViewController.view.frame = (window.contentView as! NSView).bounds
OSX 10.11.4 / Xcode 7.3
Thanks in advance.