RxSwift vs ReactiveCocoa/Swift

Why did you choose to write a book on RxSwift and not ReactiveCocoa/Swift?

At my company we are trying to decide which to adopt. I assume you went through a similar process in choosing which to write a book on.

Rx is a multi-platform standard, implementing the same functionality across different languages and platforms. It’s been tested and proven for a very long time, and the RxSwift port is very solid. On the RxSwift channel there’s often people coming in to chat and are actually using RxRuby or other languages. RxKotlin’s syntax looks almost identical to RxSwift code. Rx is more of a skill than just a 3rd party library. My 2c

We are all heavy RxSwift users, some of us (like me) were previously using ReactiveCocoa. RxSwift was the first to have a full Swift implementation, and shares a lot with implementations on other platforms.

Knowledge about Rx is relatively generic, once you understand the concepts and operators you can apply the knowledge to other frameworks.

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