We are planning on taking a break from RWDevCon for a little while. Read this post to find out why, and what’s next.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1106499-rwdevcon-taking-a-break
We are planning on taking a break from RWDevCon for a little while. Read this post to find out why, and what’s next.
Thanks Ray. NSNorth is a great conference. This year they are holding their conference in Montreal, Canada from April 26-28, 2019.
Also the “Swift by” conferences, successors to the CocoaConf tour:
They also run “Next Door”, which is literally next door to WWDC.
Thanks Tim & Chris! I’ve updated the post to include links to those.
I would add Swift Heroes in Torino, Italy.
It was premiered this last October.