We just had our second annual tutorial conference, RWDevCon 2016. Find out how it went! :]
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1278-rwdevcon-2016-post-mortem
We just had our second annual tutorial conference, RWDevCon 2016. Find out how it went! :]
Would love a longer conference! Definitely looking forward to that enhancement!
Sometime you guys should make a UX/UI Design book and get an expert to do some video tutorials. I missed the conference this year :[ but hopefully i can get the tickets before they are all sold out.
Thanks Ray and team for putting on such a wonderful conference! Glad to hear you’re making plans for a 2017 conference, I’m sure it will be a huge success.
Congratulations Ray and everyone who took part - I hope I can be there next year.
Would love to attend one year, looks fantastic!
Congratulations! I’ll be there
Hope, we can get the 3D iOS Games and 600 page conference books soon.
Looking forward to the next year!
@rwenderlich Will conference book be able to download (free or purchase)?
Yes, we are hoping to sell a package of the conference videos + book for folks who couldn’t make it. Stay tuned!
What is your guys next book after the 3D games one? @rwenderlich
RWDevCon was great.
Congratulations to all the team who worked hard and presented an awesome event.
See you next year.
@hafizcoder Top secret! :]
Haha ok @rwenderlich
RWDevCon iteration: how about twice a year?
@jean-pierre That is a good idea but… putting up a conference is a lot of work.