I have scene.allowsCameraControl = false
. after interacting scaling, rotating. how can i reset it?
@efthemiosprime What are you trying to do exactly with the above line of code?
My bad sorry for the confusion. i have my scene scene.allowsCameraControl = true
. I have a reset button so after interacting with the scene 3d object i want it to reset the rotation and scale back to default. I tried manipulating my node directly by doing this node.scale = SCNVector3(1, 1, 1)
and node.rotation = SCNVector4(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0)
but it’s not the expected behaviour. How do i go bout this?
I got it it was the SCNView pointOfView
sceneView.pointOfView?.transform = pointOfViewOriginalTransform
sceneView.pointOfView?.position = pointOfViewOrigonalPosition
sceneView.pointOfView?.camera?.fieldOfView = fieldOfViewOriginal
That’s awesome you were able to resolve your issue and share it. Great job!
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