Remote Notifications in iOS

When we receive remote push notifications and app is not running at all(not even in background mode) then if user tap on remote notifications it is working fine, but when user tap on app icon I a not able to get push notifications data. Can anyone please help me out.

Take look at Push Notifications Tutorial: Getting Started
Here is an excerpt that shows the differences in how your app gets the remote notification.

When your app receives a push notification, a method in UIApplicationDelegate is called.
The notification needs to be handled differently depending on what state your app is in when it’s received:

  1. If your app wasn’t running and the user launches it by tapping the push notification, the push notification is passed to your app in the launchOptions of application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:).

  1. If your app was running and in the foreground, the push notification will not be shown, but application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:) will be called immediately.

  1. If your app was running or suspended in the background and the user > brings it to the foreground by tapping the push notification, application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:) will be called.

From your description it sounds like you are handling the notification in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions ok. You just need to handle it in didReceiveRemoteNotification as well.

Have fun!