Refactorin gin Xcode

I’m a user of Xcode.
I was wondering if there is a tutorial / course on refactoring ?
I would like to learn how to use it on the best way.
Luc Lannoo

@luclannoo Thanks very much for your question! To the best of my knowledge we unfortunately don’t have a course exclusively on refactoring. Having said that, you can use Xcode’s refactoring feature as a start to learning how to refactor. You can find the “Refactor” option under the “Editor” tab on the menu bar of Xcode, or you can highlight either a word or block of code in your project, right click on it, choose “Refactor” from the list of options, and then choose whatever option you are given from the list. It’s a start, but I do agree, not too thorough. Your suggestion is definitely something to consider for future tutorials :slight_smile:

I hope this helps!

All the best!

Hi @luclannoo,

Refactoring is not an exact science and there are as many opinions as there are developers.

Some feel that refactoring should fix the variablenames and there should be consistency, while others feel that refactoring should change the code from MVC to MVVM or MVVP or … (pick one of the hundred new variants)
While still others feel that refactoring is about hardening the code, where as the first cut was to get things moving and now it should be cleaned up.

These are all subjective to what one feels. However, it is an interesting topic and hope that there would be a future article on RW on some aspects to consider while refactoring.



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