I am currently reading through Marin’s Realm book and am excited to use Realm along with MVVM in my new project. The issue I am currently wrestling with is that I am working with a GraphQL backend.
I am looking for some architecture and best practices help. I am not finding much out there on integrating the iOS Realm side of things and a graphQL interface. Apollo’s creation of it’s own cache objects and then translating those to realm objects seems cumbersome…
Has anyone worked with both GraphQl and Realm, and if so have you used Apollo, or done their own Graphql interface? Any help or pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @mountainbrussells, thank you for posting your question! I hope you’re enjoying reading through the Realm book. I personally have not used GraphQL, Apollo, and Realm together (just Realm), so I’m hoping these resources might point you in the right direction.