Check out the apps released by readers in July, including an app to help you keep track of your recipes!
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Check out the apps released by readers in July, including an app to help you keep track of your recipes!
Thank you, Stephan! I have put 10 promo codes for my app “Cookbook” for the readers in the forum:
If you could review my app Rapid Currency Converter and Exchange rates list - Currency exchange converter ² on the App Store that would be awesome.
Naturally it has everything you’d expect from a great currency converter. Latest exchange rates are stored locally for offline usage, there are lots of colorful themes and it also has a built in calculator for quick math. You can combine 3 out of 19 different sources of exchange rates including Yahoo finance, European central bank, Bank of England, Brazil central bank, Central bank of Russia, some exotic countries like Thailand or Vietnam and many more (complete list is in AppStore / Google Play listing). And the best thing is that you see instant conversion to all of the foreign currencies at once, no need to select just two of them.It is also translated into 20 different languages, so it’s really a world-wide ready app.
It was promoted in printed version of magazine on 7th of January 2017 (Android version): - Hoooray, swift currency converter was promoted... | Facebook . As a special promotion of releasing the iOS version it’s “full version” in-app purchase price is set to free, just to explore the full possibilities of the app.
Sounds awesome! If you could just submit an application for the Readers’ App Reviews at the link below, I’ll be glad to take a look at it and possibly include it in next moths article.
Readers’ App Reviews Submission Page:
Done that, thanks for pointing out the submission page.
Thank you Stephan, for Game’s World!
Stefania Mastracci