This causes an error: io.reactivex.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
I think you want it to use observeOn, like this:
.subscribe {
holder.itemView.imageFavorite.isChecked = it == 1
Hello! Thank you for this tutorial, it is a great way to get started with reactive programming
I found an issue on the section “Observe Button Clicks”. Here, we end with the app running database queries on the UI thread (which is what you intend). However, Android API 28 throws an IllegalStateException and does not let you execute the query at all (the app crashes when you press the button).
A quick fix for this (before you show us how to use threading on the next section) is adding the modifying the code for building the database instance:
I am getting ‘Gradle project sync failed’ error after downloading ‘’ cheesefinder-starter" project. Cause of error is ‘org/gradle/internal/impldep/com/google/common/collect/Lists’. Anybody can help me to solve this issue?