Those are the latest versions of the iOS Apprentice. There was an announcement that a new version is available for the Swift Apprentice, but that is a different book.
@hullchap: that depends on you, I think. If the pattern of previous years holds - and I know nothing of the team schedule -, iOS 10 will be announced at WWDC in June and released in October, and the RW team will devise tutorials to be released also in October. Speculatively, the release schedule will include iOS 10 by Tutorials (which is not a replacement to iOS 9 by Tutorials; the book for iOS 10 would just cover new features introduced with 10). There would be free updates to books whose content won’t change much (so far I don’t think Swift 3 will break The Swift Apprentice by that much), but depending on what new toys are announced at WWDC, some books might require significant revision or complete replacement (e.g. GameplayKit involved a lot of new content on ‘iOS Games by Tutorials’, resulting in ‘2D iOS and tvOS Games by Tutorials’ - but buyers of the former were offered a discount on the latter). You may get a better answer after WWDC, when we can at least be informed about whether there are new shiny things to do with watchOS or Core Animations to speculate about.
The reason why it depends on you is, assuming those books come out in October, you have five months before they happen. And so long as you can keep learning, you can adapt to any changes that come along too. And you can keep asking questions here on the forums too.