Kodeco Forums

Raywenderlich.com Print Books Available Now!

The print editions of our Swift 3, iOS 10 and Unity 5.5 books are now available on the raywenderlich.com store!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/753-raywenderlich-com-print-books-available-now

Great ! But the print version is now sold by Amazon, how do I get my pre-ordered ios10 book ?

Nice. Any ETA as to when they’ll be available on the Canadian Amazon site?

Guys, thanks so much for releasing printed versions.

Just a few questions:

  • Do you have any discounts for purchasing of all 10 printed books at once?
  • Do you ship only from USA or EU is also possible?
  • Do you permit usage of printed books in an office library (as PDF versions, as I remember, can be used only by a single person)?

@dvheghe We are in the process of shipping out all pre-orders of iOS 10 by Tutorials; thanks for your patience!

@gregoryl I’ll check into this for you! :canada:

@tiani.llc We don’t have any discounts on the complete set of print books unfortunately. All books are shipped from the US.

You are absolutely free to use the print book in your library, since only one person can reasonably use it at once…unless you all like to gather around as a group and read the books together! :]

Sorry for disturbing, I have bought 3 books on amazon; I would like to know if next year it is possible to get free upgrade of the book but obviously in pdf format, a book can’t be free :sweat_smile:

Thank you