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Raywenderlich.com iOS 11 and Swift 4 for Beginners Course Now on Udemy!

We’re excited to announce our very first video course ever on Udemy: iOS 11 and Swift 4 for Beginners!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/356-raywenderlich-com-ios-11-and-swift-4-for-beginners-course-now-on-udemy
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Am already a subscriber but purchased to support the team!! (:

Wow! That is incredibly nice of you and we really appreciate it :] Thank you!!

That’s an incredible deal. This will undoubtedly become the most popular iOS/Swift course on Udemy.

Purchased, looks like a lot of content for £15!



I just signed up for the Udemy course also. Looking forward to working through it.

I’m a raywenderlich.com subscriber and currently finishing up the Beginning Swift 4 course, but I went ahead an purchased the Udemy course for a few reasons: (1) To support the team at raywenderlich.com, since they do such a great job and obviously work very hard on their content; (2) To get access to these videos on my Apple TV and to have the benefit of automatic bookmarking which allows me to start right where I left off which Udemy builds into their functionality in a more elegant way than this site does (hint, hint…that’s something you guys should be able to improve upon); (3) Udemy also offers apps for iPad and iPhone, so I can watch my videos when I’m out and about in a much more elegant way than through Safari on my device (another hint, hint…you guys are all iOS developers. Shouldn’t you have an iOS app as well?); (4) To OWN some of these videos rather than just rent them! Overall, I believe you guys have the best iOS and Swift instruction available on the Internet and you will soon dominate Udemy. So, I for one am VERY HAPPY to see these same tutorials on Udemy that I’ve enjoyed here at raywenderlich.com. Thanks for all of your hard work!

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Just purchased the Udemy Course to support you guys.
I have most of the books already and you guys do an awesome job.
Returning to iOS/Swift again after a 12 month exit to C# for a project.
Couldn’t think of better place to help me get back on track again.
Thanks again To The Awesome Team…

@thedaveb @oldmike @neilw @gregoryl @drmotown Thanks so much for the encouragement and support - I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy the course! :]


Just purchased the Udemy Course to support you guys!! All your stuff is really awesome :slight_smile:

Thanks so much @vkkapz! :smiley:

I am also a subscriber but I´d like to support the amazing team! . Keep going !

Thanks so much Manuel! :smiley: