Question for Android Networking: Fundamentals (Kotlin Serialize)

There is an update with the parser where the original code has been deprecated
kotlin 1.3.61, converter 0.4.0


i changed to
kotlin 1.4.0, converter 0.6.0

    .addConverterFactory(Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }.asConverterFactory(contentType))

and also added default value in Task class with var in order for it to works,

I was wondering if this is the right way to do it?
and how do people usually look for how to implement something if that something has been updated? by look into the library source code?

@filbabic Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hey @dan00!

Thanks for this comment! Yeah, some of the APIs have changed quite a bit in time and this is a good approach from you.

Usually, people just look at the change documents/logs and reach out to the repository maintainers to see if they’ve applied the changes correctly.

Additionally, there are examples in most library/framework repos, that let you see the Git differene between updates, so you can adjust your code accordingly.

Thanks! I hope you like the course! :]