Learn how to test your app on a device, create a New App entry in iTunes Connect; create an archive/upload a binary from Xcode, and submit your app for review.
I just saw your 3 part course here, and I’m excited to take a look. Some of the issues I’ve been thinking about, though, are things such as… Aren’t I required to have a privacy policy? terms and conditions? a website? a help system? basically the infrastructure to handle problems, suggestions, and so forth from the users?
I’d love some of your advice on navigating that particular jungle.
Although I’m not sure you are required to have a website, etc., to publish to the App Store, it’s highly recommended. You’ll want a hub that you can communicate with your customers, and provide support.
However, you don’t have to spend a lot of money for a fancy website. You don’t need a custom domain name, or host a dedicated site. Many developers, myself included, use “blog” sites which you can use to post about your Apps.
Many of these sites are free, and also offer premium tiers if you want customization. WordPress is a good example.
As far as a privacy policy and terms of conditions, there are lots of examples online. These will work for most cases, but if your app collects customer data you may want to consult with a lawyer.
I work at a school and am teaching game design to elementary students. Eventually I would like to publish some of their games so they can share them with friends and family for fun. We have a developer account for the school but I am trying to figure out if there is a way to publish but not have them available for the public app store. Thank you.
I would like to know whether or not we should remove all of our code comments before submitting the app to the app store. Or - does the archiving process strip all of the extraneous bloat out of the app.
Thanks for any insight on this that you can provide.
I’ve been having some issues. Within the Developer Portal I’m filling out all required information in the App IDs section, but the changes are not updated in my Apple Connect dashboard.