Let's review what you learned in this section, and discuss what's next.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3535-programming-in-swift/lessons/38
Let's review what you learned in this section, and discuss what's next.
Hi all,
It seems to me like the code for accessing characters in a string in this style seems a little long. I was digging through the Swift documentation and found that you could cast the string as an array and then use normal index syntax like so:
let thirdChar = Array(cafeCombining)[2]
Does this produce the same results and also do you take any optimization hits if you do it this way? Thanks.
As I understand it this method may work but a) is inefficient as it requires a new array to be allocated with the same contents as the string, and b) doesn’t use Apple’s recommended APIs so I’m a bit suspicious of this approach.
For more info find these posts:
Oh interesting. So it appears that the compiler does it much quicker using swift’s recommended API. Those links are were very helpful. Thanks!
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