Programming in Swift · Conclusion | Ray Wenderlich

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Not a question but merely a suggestion. Overall with many topics I get the feeling I get shown all possible components of a Swiss knife. But I don’t get a good understanding of when I absolutely would need them, without any good alternative. Perhaps it is difficult to invent a problem that would absolutely require things like structs (over classes), required convenience initializers, extensions and what not. I can see the utility of all sorts of things discussed like super classes and enums for example but I’m also introduced with a lot of concepts without feeling I’d ever need them. Because too often I saw much simpler solutions to approach the basic functional problem presented. Most of the problems within Structures could have been easily solved with just using arrays for example. As for protocols, with my own experience earlier, I did not understand I needed them until I needed a delegate to do something in the background at the same time something else was running.

In short too often I felt I was presented with a technical solution without seeing a (functional) problem that has that particular solution as the best approach. They often felt too academic to me.

In the case of a Swiss knife, it might be helpful to first introduce a problem (opening a wine bottle) and then looking at possible other solutions (knife, screwdriver) to make it clear why the corkscrew works best. If the only difference is saving one or two lines of code I’m generally not too impressed if the readability goes down for me (closures come to mind).


@florisv Thank you for your feedback - much appreciated!

Thank you guys for the great work here! I was able to get an internship as an iOS developer and this course was critical in helping me nail down some intermediate concepts I was struggling with.

Thank you again!!


Fantastic course! Catie and Jessy are really excellent teachers. It was a steep learning curve at the beginning but once you get through it and keep going you really get rewarded with a good understanding of all the concepts. Catie and Jessy are really good at explaining all the details. And the exercises make everything even more solid. This is how tutorials on programming should be done. Thank you guys :blush::ok_hand:


thank you and it was mentioned before, it is hard to create a example situation to use all elements, class, structs, subclass, protocols etc. The first part was too clearly but from structs all starts to be really difficult and maybe in fast track, I will be back to this course after watch the next one, maybe for reinforcement about concept that I miss understand actually. Thank you again for the good job


@kendallsays @tommyp @elporfirio Really glad you liked it! Cheers! :]