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Programming Challenge: Are You a Swift Ninja? Part 2

Do you consider yourself a Swift Ninja? Take our programming challenge! Beginners are also welcome to follow through and learn the craft.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/2328-programming-challenge-are-you-a-swift-ninja-part-2

I’m surprised no one posted anything…

Alternative solution for #5

func reverseString(string: String) {
    guard !string.isEmpty else { return }
    print(string.substringFromIndex(string.endIndex.predecessor()), terminator: string.startIndex < string.endIndex.predecessor() ? "" : "\n")

func altReverseString(string: String) -> String {
    guard !string.isEmpty else { return "" }
    return string.substringFromIndex(string.endIndex.predecessor()) + altReverseString(string.substringToIndex(string.endIndex.predecessor()))

Challenge #6:

func * (lhs: String, rhs: Int) -> String {
    guard rhs > 0 else { return "" }
    return lhs + (lhs * (rhs-1))

Challenge #7:

func isSuccess(success: Bool) -> String {
    return ["error", "success!"][Int(success)]



func countHand(deck: [Card]) -> Int {
    return deck.enumerate().reduce(0) {
        guard $1.index < deck.count - 1 else { return $0 }
        if case Rank.Num(5) = $1.element.rank, case Rank.Ace = deck[$1.index+1].rank where $1.element.suit == .Diamonds {
            return $0 + 100
        } else if case Rank.Num(let num) = deck[$1.index+1].rank where $1.element.suit == .Hearts && [3, 5, 7, 9].contains(num) {
            return $0 + num * 2
        return $0

Hey bossagroove I’m glad you’re enjoying the “ninja” articles. They are about 2 years old (when Swift was in early beta) and I this was before the last big update to the forums on raywenderlich.com so I think the comments are somewhere on the forums, which was the old system to track comments per article.

Here is my solution for #5 I know i use variables but in my case it makes the code a little bit cleaner.

 extension String {
        func reversed() -> String {
            return reverseString(text: self, lastCharacters: "")
    fileprivate func reverseString(text:String, lastCharacters: String) -> String {
        if let lastCharacter = text.characters.last {
            let subText = text.substring(to: text.index(text.endIndex, offsetBy: -1))
            return reverseString(text: subText, lastCharacters: lastCharacters + String(lastCharacter))
        } else {
            return lastCharacters
"Reverse Me".reversed()

Challenge #6
my solution

func *(lhs: Character, rhs: Int) → String {
return rhs == 0 ? “” : String(lhs) + (lhs * (rhs - 1))

I know it is late, but still wanted to paste my solution to the final challenge.

This tutorial is more than six months old so questions are no longer supported at the moment for it. Thank you!