Preload UITableView Controller

is it possible to Pre load a UITableView Controller?
By this I mean,

I have UITableView Controller #1 & UITableView Controller #2
What I would like to do is preload UITableView Controller #2
What I am trying to do is, Use a Two Finger Swipe Down, And while i am Swiping Down Slowly, I would be able to see UITableView Controller #2 coming up in the background. Once UITableView Controller #2 is fully in View, I would then do a refresh to reload the table.

Right now, when I do a Two Finger Swipe Down, It just goes directly to UITableView Controller #2.
is there away for doing this? Like having UITableView Controller #2 preloaded ??? into view??

Hi @hcri50! I’d love to try and help you out here however your question is quite vague. Are you able to provide us with some more details about what you are trying to achieve? It would be great if you could talk us through what you have tried already and share any code that you might already have. Thanks! :slight_smile: