Porting from Cocos2d-iPhone to Unity

Hello all. We’re very far along (~85%) on a large project in Cocos2d-iPhone. Yes, the old framework. Progress is slow and painful. What would we gain/lose from a port to Unity?

Many thanks

@yt42 Thanks very much for your question!

I found the following answer that may help you:

“I can tell you that you of course can’t just dump your cocos2d-x code (which is C++ as far as I remember) into Unity and expect it to work, but if you understand the syntax and language differences you should be able to read the C++ and gather what it is doing and write the equivalent C# code to do the same thing. One thing that might get you is that the cocos2d-x game might not have been using a component pattern, whereas with Unity3D it makes sense to do this, so you might have a ton of polymorphism in the game code to trawl through and get working in Unity (not that you can’t do that of course, because you can, but I guess what I am saying is that I’ve found that in a lot of cases it doesn’t make sense to use class inheritance with Unity, and is way easier to just use the Monobehaviour and go with that).”

Here is the source.

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