PDF printing from app data

Hi all!

I’m trying to figure out the best way to generate multipage pdf reports with headers and footers from data that I have in my app.

Since I’m a graphically oriented person I wonder if there is a way to do the pdf layout in storyboard or as xib-files? If not what is the best way to do it in code?

I found this tutorial here at RW:

But it seems to me that this is somewhat dated since Apple released new UIKit methods in iOS10, half a year after that RW video tutorial was released:

Right now I use a hack that I made with PDFKit in iOS11 where I just draw PDFAnnotation text on an empty pdf. But this can’t obviously not be the right solution since I cannot handle wrapping of long texts nor page brakes.

So please can anyone tell me what the best practices are when it comes to print a PDF file from data within an iOS application?

BR /Diez

@caroline Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

@nobach Please check out the PDFKit chapter in our iOS 11 by Tutorials book when you get a chance:


I hope it helps. Thank you!

I actually bought that book just because of this problem. It explains well how to show PDF:s with PDFKit in your app but unfortunately it doesn’t tell you anything about how to print (with print I mean generate pdf from app data) them thou… :slight_smile:

@macandyp Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hey @nobach,

I’m not entirely sure this is possible. From the documentation, it looks as though it requires that you override draw(with:).

Adding Custom Graphics to a PDF documentation

Edit: just saw your other comment. Sorry it wasn’t totally clear, but you are somewhat generating PDF content in the sample. You can actually generate a PDFPage and PDFDocument with annotations and then save that data, thus generating a brand new PDF. It does require you to handle what your document should look like in code.

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