Page 569.
You added the ground tile to the worldLayer, and now you implement a wall tile in the same way.
I think modification code for “adding the ground tile to the worldLayer” is missed.
Page 569.
You added the ground tile to the worldLayer, and now you implement a wall tile in the same way.
I think modification code for “adding the ground tile to the worldLayer” is missed.
//Layers var worldLayer = SKNode() var guiLayer = SKNode() var enemyLayer = SKNode() var overlayLayer = SKNode() //Config World addChild(worldLayer) camera!.addChild(guiLayer) guiLayer.addChild(overlayLayer) worldLayer.addChild(enemyLayer)
You mean here?
for .tileGround at Page 566.
let node = SKSpriteNode(texture: atlasTiles.textureNamed("Floor1"))
node.size = CGSize(width: 32, height: 32)
node.position = location
node.zPosition = 1
Modifying “addChild(node)” is missed after worldLayer is added.