Just wonder how to create texture to physics from png picture without background with hole to physics.
Such hole shouldn’t react to touch, physics contact or physics collision.
How to do that?
Some ideas.
Just wonder how to create texture to physics from png picture without background with hole to physics.
Such hole shouldn’t react to touch, physics contact or physics collision.
How to do that?
Some ideas.
How about just setting its userInteractionEnabled property to false? That way that one node will then ignore all touches.
Alternatively, for other sprite collisions - set collisionBitMask to 0.
Thank you for your answer.
I wanted to create SKNode from picture of donut.
I would like that that node will react when is touchedon donut but not when thet touch happens in the hole
That is my problem.
thank you
OK, well I notice there is no toroid constructor in SKNode! How about using a round node object, with another smaller round node representing the hole positioned in the middle? The base object intercepts touches or collisions. The centre object has priority over the base and ignores touches or collisions.
Thank you for answer.
Unfortunatelly it is not possible.
I want to create a game i which touch creates an invisible ball. The ball will only be visible if it touch a shape, road created in UIBezier.
How to do that?
Thank you