As wonderful as they are to use, I can’t use them for at least another year or so as our app policy is to support the current version of iOS (9), as well as the prior version (8), and sometimes even the version before that (7).
I wish Apple had figured out a way to build with the current library (9) but back port stack view functionality to iOS 8…
How did you manage the transparent/white window controller and the toggle list button to merge at top. My window controller frame looks grey at top & whenever I add the toolbar button, it adds huge space of toolbar with it. I tried to play with the window controllers attribute inspector for options such as “Unified title & toolbar” with no luck. My target version is 10.11 so that isn’t the issue.
my bad, yep that works. Now the only thing is that the your show list button appears bright while my appears a little bit blurred. Any particular reason for that.
Hi newdriv,
look at the code in ViewController.swift. There he wrote this
if let window = view.window {
window.titleVisibiltiy = .Hidden // hides the TitleBar, therefore the attached toolbar is at the top
window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true // the Toolbar gets transparent, so you see the window background (slightly grey)
This tutorial is more than six months old so questions are no longer supported at the moment for it. We will update it as soon as possible. Thank you! :]