Kodeco Forums

OS X Core Controls Tutorial: Part 1/2

Learn the basics of the fundamental UI core controls in OS X development. In this first part: text input and labels, different buttons and combo boxes!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/2035-os-x-core-controls-tutorial-part-1-2

I’m just about to follow a few courses on here and I was going to start with this one, but you advise I start with “How to Make a Simple Mac App Tutorial” which links so to the “old” objective-c version of that course. Since this course (OS X Core Controls Tutorial) is now for Swift you could update that link to point to the Swift version here: https://www.raywenderlich.com/87002/getting-started-with-os-x-and-swift-tutorial-part-1.

Thanks a million for these courses; ideal for getting going quickly and easily. :smile: