Kodeco Forums

Open Call for Authors on the macOS Team

We are looking for authors and tech editors to join or macOS Tutorial Team. Find out how to apply!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/816-open-call-for-authors-on-the-macos-team

Very excited about the possibility of a macOS book!

I’m waiting for macos development book series.
especially, related to Graphics and Animation category.

Great idea to expand on the MacOS tutorial team
Ill apply later tonight
But how does it work ?
When we get an email, then we write a test tutorial ?
Or how do we get in ?

OK, I’m in as a tech editor; I’ve done this kind of work already for my current employer. But, your post says “Find out how to apply”, and … OK … how exactly?

simple, do as I did
send an email via the email link they provided
then tell them why you want to be in the team and what makes you qualified
also give links to any apps you made for MacOS
and any other info you feel would make them pick you

one tip on the RayWenderlich.com team
people who applied want to know when they can stop hoping for an invitation
so please post a message on this forum threat when all possible candidates were selected
this way we don’t have to check our email every 30 seconds and save our battery :joy:

dear skyrocketsw
when will the tryouts take place ?
its just that I’m leaving for 4 days to the UK this Monday and 3G/4G is expensive there
so if I know that the email might come next week then ill take my cellphone with me when I’m going out, else I’m leaving it in the hotel room


OK, I’m in as a tech editor; I’ve done this kind of work already for my current employer. But, your post says “Find out how to apply”, and … OK … how exactly?

Are all spots Gilles in yet ?
I applied, got an email for a try-out
Then we worked out a subject and i send a first plan for the tutorial
But after that all comunications stopped
I send 2 more e-mails but No answer came
So i ask it via this way


when will I finally get a response email
I got an email saying I was going to be allowed to write a test tutorial to see if I was any good
we talked about this in december, and since then, nothing
i was told to write a plan for my tutorial but no one send me back what I should change about it or if I can write my test tutorial
