Do you still have old Objective-C apprentice PDF books? I was looking for it through this website bit can’t find it. I only found Objective-C tutorials in Archives page. I just bought Swift and iOS apprentice PDF ebooks and Apple Game bundle package today. I noticed that older versions of iOS Apprentice ebooks have Objective-C codes.
@sword7. Thanks very much for your question, and my apologies for the delayed response! We have a policy where if an update is available for a book, the user gets to download it for free via their account page. What this means is, we always make available the most current version of the book to our users. I actually am not sure if we even issued an Objective-C Apprentice book in the first place to be quite honest. Were you interested in learning Objective-C? If so, I would recommend going through the articles on Objective-C that we have available, and they honestly should suffice, aside from the plethora of other tutorials available on the web. Between you and me, I would focus on learning Swift, since that is the direction that Apple, and all other tutorial sites are heading in.
Hello, thank you for that answer. This is quite actual theme for me either. And i’d made such topic already. So as you have Advanced Apple Debugging book, there’s really much places where you’ve to face with the Objective-C, like in every reversing Apple Framework. So as for me, i’ve miss the Objective-C era in apple development, and just don’t know exact syntax of that language. And due this every face with Obj-C expression makes me pain. So could you please detail a bit, how should i search the tutorials you’ve mentioned above? Is it just tag Objectvie-C, or is it kind of dates? Maybe you have some outdated (comparing to swift) tutorials packs with objective and so on?
If you have the IOS Apprentice book, check out the “My Products” section of your account page. You can click here to jump to that page. Click on the entry for IOS Apprentice, then scroll down to the version history. V2.1 was written with Objective-C.
Also, check out the archives section of the Tutorials dropdown menu. That will take you here. The articles are no longer supported, but there is a lot of Objective-C content in there.
Forgive me for bumping such an old thread, but I was able to find some helpful links buried in Apple’s old documentation (and current!) and compiled a list for easy access.
As @rcasey suggested, I’ve downloaded iOS Apprentice v2.1 and book marked the archives section. I really liked C++, and currently own the Advanced Apple Debugging book - but lack the experience to tackle it at the moment, but I’m expecting good things when I’m ready.