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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Hi. I had a doubt about the test because if I change the name on the viewmodel like = “some creature”
the test should fail since the name is different from the stubCreature
but that is not with the mock. Shouldn’t we use something like
when(mockGenerator.generateCreature(attributes, “CreatureName”)).thenReturn(stubCreature)
This test fails due to the Mockito method matcher does not match the call.
fun testSetupCreature() {
val attributes = CreatureAttributes(10, 3, 7)
val stubCreature = Creature(attributes, 87, "Test")
creatureViewModel.intelligence = 10
creatureViewModel.strength = 3
creatureViewModel.endurance = 7 = "Test"
assertEquals(stubCreature, creatureViewModel.creature)
This one passes, but if I change the name of the stub creature, it will still pass.
I could not think about a nice way to let it clear that the name of the creature on the ViewModel matters.
fun testSetupCreature() {
val attributes = CreatureAttributes(10, 3, 7)
val stubCreature = Creature(attributes, 87, "Test")
`when`(mockGenerator.generateCreature(eq(attributes), eq("Test"), anyInt())).thenReturn(stubCreature)
creatureViewModel.intelligence = 10
creatureViewModel.strength = 3
creatureViewModel.endurance = 7 = "Test"
assertEquals(stubCreature, creatureViewModel.creature)
This one works as well, but still will throw an unrelated error if we change the
fun testSetupCreature() {
val attributes = CreatureAttributes(10, 3, 7)
val stubCreature = Creature(attributes, 87, "Test")
`when`(mockGenerator.generateCreature(attributes, "Test", 0)).thenReturn(stubCreature)
creatureViewModel.intelligence = 10
creatureViewModel.strength = 3
creatureViewModel.endurance = 7 = "Test"
assertEquals(stubCreature, creatureViewModel.creature)
Thanks for the question, Amadeu!
I think your third example is the best version of this test. The point of this test is to ensure that the updateCreature()
method is correctly calling the CreatureGenerator
to update the creature. Your third example does this most explicitly. A better name for that test in the video would have been something like testUpdateCreatureCorrectlyUpdatesCreature()
Thanks again!