Hi there, I have just completed part one of the lesson (I did not opt to do the colored lines section) and I have everything working great! I have one problem with the stoprun function. When that is pressed (in the simulator) the run continues to go on, until you interrupt it by pressing the save button. This does not seem correct, is it supposed to do this, or am I missing something in my code?
I have checked everything and cannot seem to identify any errors. I will be using what I learned to apply it to a horse trail riding app I am building.
I have added a button to save an image of the run in the RunDetailsViewController and this works well.
Thanks very much, it was a great lesson!
Anyone that can offer some help on this issue?
Hi @chriskiepfer welcome to the forum community! Thank you for the positive feedback Could you share what the tutorial is called so I can look at the source code?
Moonwalk App Lesson 1
Hi @chriskiepfer, I can’t find the tutorial you are referring to unfortunately. The search results only produce a title, " SpriteKit Animations and Texture Atlases in Swift"
Hi Gina
The tutorial I am referring to is “How to make an app like Runkeeper - Part 1”
When the stop button is pressed to stop the run, the map continues to go as if you are still running until you decide to save the run at which time it stops and goes to the next screen. I would think it should pause at that point and maybe continue if you want to continue or stop if you are done? Maybe someone could help me by guiding me how to add a pause button or action or stop the map from collecting data when the stop button is pressed? All this is while I am in the simulator on my computer.
Thanks for your help.
@chriskiepfer Do you still have issues with this?
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