Modern Concurrency Book Server

Book server is not running.

Here is how you reciprocate this error:

swift run

inside 00-book-server folder.

What’s the output of swift --version

swift-driver version: 1.62.15 Apple Swift version 5.7.2 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51)

Target: arm64-apple-macosx12.0

Very strange, the only thing that comes to mind to try is delete the build cache first rm -Rf .build and then try to run again. It has happened to me in the past that something’s wrong in the cache and cleaning it resolves build issues

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Cleared caches from
cd ~/Library/Caches

Getting another undefined error:

That’s not an undefined error — the message is that it cannot find

Ah yeah! missed it in writing it out here.
How can I resolve this?

Sorry, I don’t know — maybe it’s an issue with the internet connection.

I checked the internet connection and re-login in my GitHub account.
Somehow I am back to this error only.

Update vapor in Package.swift to a more recent version like 4.68.0.