This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Problem: locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(:)
is not getting called back.
Device: M2 Macbook Air, Xcode 15.2, Ventura 13.6
Issue: As mentioned in the problem, I also tried opening the final project as-is provided in the course material. The manager never called back locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization
. After a little digging I found on Apple’s Documentation:
Core Location calls the methods of your delegate object using the
of the thread on which you initialized theCLLocationManager
object. That thread must itself have an activeRunLoop
, like the one found in your app’s main thread.
What Fixed it – Not Ideal
I tried changing the shareLocation function (It’s wrong) just for the heck of it:
func shareLocation() async throws {
let location: CLLocation =
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { [ weak self ] continuation in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self ?.delegate = ChatLocationDelegate(continuation: continuation)
I did get the call back from CLLocation manager. I am not sure if this is the exact problem (with the same thread not being available. FYI I saw the CLLocation manager was created on a global queue with user-initiated qos in debugger). I was able to reproduce this issue 10/10 times so thought of reporting it in case anybody else is running into the same issue.
hi Srinath/Sammy, thanks for digging into this! you probably didn’t see my post in the next episode’s forum — Marin updated the book’s code for ChatLocationDelegate
to initialise it with the CLLocationManager