Mini exercise Chapter 10 IsInDeliveryRange

I am very new to Swift, I come from a C# background but I was junior level there,I have bought some Swift books recently and I am reading them all concurrently to Swift Apprentice, but I am really liking how this book is written.

I thought I was understanding Structs and what is in Chapter 10 until I got to the Mini-Exercise to rewrite IsInDeliveryRange using Location and DeliveryArea…

First, but I go down the wrong rabbit hole, is the exercise to just rewrite the function call at the top of page 221, or the function itself?

I have tried doing both but I keep getting errors saying x and y are not members of Location…

I am trying to use Location.x and Location.y instead of x: (some Int Value, y: (some Int Value)

like IsInDeliveryRange(location: (Location.x, Location.y))
I also tried IsInDeliveryRange(location: (Location.x = 4, Location.y =7))

I was hoping to either hints or answers to the mini exercises.

Note I have not bought the course, just bought this book off of Amazon, but I am really thinking about the course :smiley:

I may of gotten this, so here goes…how is this:

struct Location {

let x: Int

let y: Int


struct DeliveryArea {

let center: Location

var radius: Double


let storeLocation = Location( x: 3, y: 3)

IsInDeliveryRange(location: (x: storeLocation.x, y: storeLocation.y))

(not sure why the editor is putting in the ** around words like let)

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Congrats @vulcanccit and welcome to the community!

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Did I do it correct? Since the mini exercise called to also use DeliveryArea, I think it meant to rewrite the function… so on that one I think I would be lost on…

I’m not familiar with the exercise, however, if you wrap your code in:

```swift ```

Blocks, it will look like this:

struct Location {
let x: Int
let y: Int

struct DeliveryArea {
let center: Location
var radius: Double

let storeLocation = Location( x: 3, y: 3)

IsInDeliveryRange(location: (x: storeLocation.x, y: storeLocation.y))

Which is more legible and doesn’t give you artifacts (like the * you saw) in the code.

good to know! actually after I clicked reply it fixed those ***

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