Kodeco Forums

MapKit Tutorial: Overlay Views

Go beyond standard maps in MapKit with overlay views. Learn how to use polylines, polygons and overlay images to keep your users better informed!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1916-mapkit-tutorial-overlay-views

In my app , I need to paint a few streets of a city I did was go to googlemaps , took the few street coordinates and used the overlay , however the coordinates do not fit on the street , how can I overcome this problem ? Great tutorial :slight_smile:

How should I manage a large number of overlays I have (e.g. ~8000 across the country) noting there will be only a small number in a given view typically as the users typically zoom in a bit. Also noting I want to have direction arrows out from the current user location to the currently ā€œvisibleā€ overlays (i.e. on the screen) at a given time? There are Overlays and NOT Annotations keep in mind. Specifically:

Q1 - Should I load up all the overlays into the app upfront? Or should I be manually managing myself which ones need to be displays at the given time and load them, remove them?

If I should load them all up up front then:

Q2 - Does MKMapView actually intelligently render them when visible only? It doesnā€™t seem like this???

Q3 - How do I get a list of currently ā€œvisibleā€ overlays from my MapView to create the direction pointers from the current user location? I canā€™t see any function in Mapview to allow this? So does this imply I would need to manually check through all overlays (i.e. whole 8000) continually to see which ones are visible manually?


after run in

Downcast from ā€˜UITableViewCell?ā€™ to ā€˜UITableViewCellā€™ only unwraps optionals; did you mean to use ā€˜!ā€™?

any tips how to solve?

change the error line to this:

let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(ā€œOptionCellā€) as UITableViewCell!

let me know if it does not work!

Hi, this is really good, and this is exactly what i need.
but i canā€™t get it to work in xcode 8 and swift 3.
iā€™m new to this programming, so if you could translate it to swift 3, i
would be really happy.
thanks henrik

Here is a version for swift 3