Sir , i have implement mapbox navigation in android app it work fine .but when we start navigation and it open it it take to much time to load navigation map …as you seen it by making shouldSimulateRoute false in NavigationViewOptions. Please help me out to solve that…and make it fast
@codingdemos Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]
sir how can i add 3d building in mapbox navigation please help… thank you
Hi @abhishek28, I’m sorry for the late reply. Did you start moving when you start navigation? When you initialize shouldSimulateRoute as false, it means that the navigation will start only when you physically start moving.
Hi @crow101, you need to use Mapbox Studio to create 3D buildings. Please refer to the following links:
1- Create 3D buildings in mapbox: Add 3D buildings to a Mapbox Studio style | Help | Mapbox
2- Add 3D mapbox style in your app: Publish your style | Mapbox Studio manual | Mapbox
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Hi @shogunkaramazov, thank you :]
Sir , how can i also view a 3d model in navigation map when i start navigation … and how to update new route when you didnt follow the right route …Please help … Thank you
@codingdemos Do you have any feedback about this? Thank you - much appreciated! :]
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