Make a 2D Grappling Hook Game in Unity – Part 1 | Kodeco, the new

Learn how to implement your own 2D grappling hook system in this Unity tutorial.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello. First thanks for a well written tutorial.

I have attempted to implement the code into an existing 2D project of mine. Downloading the project link and adding the necessary parts.

However I have encountered two main issues.

  1. The Playermovement script doesn’t work with the Player sprite I am using for my game project. They simply stand frozen in place, only turning with the button commands and not firing the grapple hook. I have tried adding some recommended solutions by programmer friends of mine with no luck yet.

  2. I have managed to solve the recurring error messages but I am getting one I cannot solve saying that there is no “Ropehook” reference in the Playermovement script.
    “Assets\Scripts\Rope.cs(66,28): error CS1061: ‘PlayerMovement’ does not contain a definition for ‘ropeHook’ and no accessible extension method ‘ropeHook’ accepting a first argument of type ‘PlayerMovement’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)”

Are these commonly recurring issues? And if so do they have commonly useful solutions?

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same is happening to me, sadly i can’t try another tutorial cuz they r all bad, i think it’s because we r using a newer version of unity which has a lot of diffrence than the 2017 edition, let me know if you got a solution.