Looking for a GitHub API Package for Vapor

Can anyone point me to a GitHub API package for use with Vapor? I’ve been googling but have come up empty-handed. What are others doing to interface with the Github API? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @mikebronner, thank you for posting on this forum! I was unable to find a Github API package with Vapor but will keep a look out and let you know if anything comes across my radar.


Hi @mikebronner,
How good are your skills with converting a package from another language to Swift or are you after a pre-packaged API?



Hi @jayantvarma, if I were better in Swift I would do that. Are there any good tutorials on creating packages that you could recommend. I’m very familiar in writing packages for Laravel, and have plans for creating quite a few packages for Swift, once I learn how to do so. :slight_smile:

Hi @mikebronner,
Here are some good articles on this site that could be of use to you.






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