Kotlin/Native and Multiplatform ยท Creating a Multiplatform Project | raywenderlich.com

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1304635-kotlin-native-and-multiplatform/lessons/10
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FYI - Android Studio is now at v3.3.2 and does not give a checkbox option for adding AndroidX. The solution it seems is to create the project, then set compileSdkVersion to 28 and the select: Refactor โ†’ Migrate to AndroidX

This also updates the build.gradle dependencies too!

By the time some of the tutorials get to print, the software has already changed/broken etc. and in my case its always the Kotlin Multiplatform tuts. The last KMP tut I tried had a broken plugin after the latest updates so I never got that working either.

Thanks for the comments, @anm8tr. As you say, there are issues that pop up from time-to-time as the tooling evolves. The course was recorded with AS 3.3.1.

Another option is to look at the final project in the download files for each video. In there you can find things like the build.gradle androidx dependencies. When you update the build.gradle file, you may have to fix imports in some of the .kt files, if that does not happen automatically.

Thanks again!

Hello, thx for the feedback, I updated my comment, I figured out a fix! I have to go to work now but will try and finish that section tonight.

I am very interested in KMP solutions after having tried Flutter as well. I really appreciate your time and attention in putting these tuts together!

Really love all your works on this KMP course. Been waiting for this to be available in the RW site.
Is there any plan to continue the course to cover data persistency solution in KMP? I saw the Multiplatform-Settings screencast.
Would love if you also cover solution with database. I heard people try SQLDelight in their KMP project.
Maybe you can add it to this course or another screencast? Thank you :pray:

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Thanks very much, @rrsatudua! We will definitely be following up with more screencasts and courses covering Kotlin Multiplatform apps, including the use of SQLDelight as well as other libraries as they become Kotlin/Native compatible.

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Latest plugin update here: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-native/blob/master/GRADLE_PLUGIN.md